Thursday, January 9, 2014

Stir Crazy

I think I might be losing my mind.

Not really. I'm being dramatic.

But seriously, I'm slowly learning that no job = days spent cleaning up after a puppy who enjoys torturing the cat. That means that my days are filled with poop, pee, "meooooooow", "ruff ruff grrrr", and "RENJI! LEAVE THE CAT ALONE!" Throw in some Law and Order: SVU and Investigation Discovery and BOOM, that's my day. I may or may not have lost my marbles earlier because I actually stepped in puppy poop after having taken said puppy outside. Puppy heard words come out of Mama's mouth that he had never heard before.

I've only been out of work since Friday, but life on the outside is already getting to me.
I'm gettin' twitchy, guys.
Who even reads this?

I've applied to several jobs, both full time and part time. I'm not above working a shift; I'm a Southern girl and know the value of hard work and doing what it takes to provide for a family (even if the family is a husband, a cat, and a puppy). My family comes from humble means, and being raised in the Bible belt has taught me to have faith in God's ultimate plan.

That said, nothing is easy. Questions are asked and plans are doubted; it's hard having faith and taking a step backward. Remembering that you've always got something to fall back on is your salvation.

Always learning.

Here's a Jenna Marbles video for reference:

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